Cybersecurity Training Yearly Checklist Written by: Danny Blakesley Effective cybersecurity training is more than just a checkbox—it’s a crucial defense...
Founder Jennifer Beckage, named one of the Top 50 Data Breach Lawyers 7 years in a row by CyberSecurity Docket.
One of only a handful of law firms authorized to work on data breaches
- Panel approved for numerous insurance carriers
- 24/7 IR Hotline 2 BECK FIRM 2 and
- In-House forensic and technical support
- Communications strategy development
- NetDiligence certified Breach Coach © and defense counsel
- Lexing Network member (global legal counsel and trusted advisors)
- Critical Response (first 48 hours)
- Provide guidance and advise on a broad range of regulatory reporting requrements, i.e. HIPAA, SEC, FINRA, CIRCIA (Critical infrastructure reporting)
- Identify components of every incident to provide a thorough and detailed “Lessons Learned” analysis to improve security posture
- Address legal obligations
- Engage third parties
- Determine and fulfill notification and reporting obligations stemming from incidents
- Crisis Communications (Media and impacted parties)
- Ransomware Negotiations
- Data Sharing/ Learning