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Cybersecurity Yearly Checklist
Written by: Danny Blakesley

As we continue Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your organization is prepared for the challenges of 2025. Cyber threats evolve at a rapid pace, and staying proactive in your approach to data security is crucial. One of the most effective ways to stay ahead of potential risks is by conducting a comprehensive review of your security measures. Below is a yearly checklist to help your organization remain compliant, secure, and resilient as we head into the new year.

Employee Security Training
Action: Provide annual cybersecurity awareness training for all employees.
Purpose: Educates staff on best practices, phishing recognition, and their role in maintaining security.

Update and Patch Management
Action: Regularly update all software, operating systems, and applications.
Purpose: Applying the latest patches fixes known vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit.

Security Policy Review and Update
Action: Reassess and update your organization’s cybersecurity policies and procedures.
Purpose: Ensures policies align with current technologies, regulatory requirements, and emerging threats.

Access Control Audit
Action: Review user access levels and permissions across all systems.
Purpose: Limits access to sensitive data to only those who need it, reducing insider threat risks.

Backup and Recovery Testing
Action: Verify that data backups are performed regularly and test the recovery process.
Purpose: Ensures business continuity and data integrity in case of data loss or ransomware attacks.

Security Assessment and Penetration Testing
Action: Conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration tests.
Purpose: Identifies and remedies security weaknesses before they can be exploited.

Inident Response Plan Review
Action: Update and rehearsce your incident response plan with key stakeholders.
Purpose: Prepares your team to respond effectively to security incidents, minimizing impact.

Third-Party Vendor Risk Management
Action: Evaluate the security practices of vendors and partners.
Purpose: Reduces risks introduced through supply chain and third-party relationships.

Regulatory Compliance Check
Action: Review compliance with applicable laws and industry regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS).
Purpose: Avoids legal penalties and ensures adherence to standards protecting sensitive information.

Network Security Monitoring
Action: Enhance network defenses and monitor for suspicious activities.
Purpose: Detects and prevents unauthorized access, malware, and other network-based threats.

Tips for Implementation:
• Assign responsibility for each checklist item to specific team members or departments.
• Document all actions taken for accountability and future reference.
• Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threat intelligence.
• Consider engaging external experts for independent assessments and training.

By following this yearly checklist, you can strengthen your defenses, minimize risks, and maintain compliance with evolving regulations. The road to robust data security may be challenging, but taking proactive steps now will help safeguard your business, build resilience, and protect your critical assets from future threats.

For more guidance on securing your organization for 2025, contact The Beckage Firm today.

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